Belitong Beach


The beach in Bangka Island is Belitong beach.Tourist want to go to Belitong beach because Belitong beach have a good view.good view coverage such as under water view and white sand.
Many children are interested with white sand because they can play with the sand.various shape such as make palace,face,etc.

Parangtritis Beach


Parangtritis beach is the special tourist place in Yogyakarta. It has the beautiful view especially when sunrise and sunset come. The geographic of the beach consist of a row of hill in eastern and sand beach in western. The sand beach fill all the surface of the beach and it make the knoll like the desert. To the west, as far as the eye can see there is only sand. From the sea we can feel the sea breeze come on fast. In other hand Parangtritis beach is easy to reach from yogyakarta because of the easy access way. So no wonder if many tourist decided to visit Parangtritis when they go for picnic at Yogyakarta.

Bunaken Beach


Bunaken beach as known as bunaken water park which location in island wide 8,08km2 on manado bay, north sulawesi. Bunaken beach be famous by its beauty white sand and also diving. So, that’s why bunaken is called an exotic beach in Indonesia. Not much beach have as beauty as bunaken’s white sand.

Bunaken beach is a beach with beauty white sand. Sunset view from bunaken beach is a reason the local tourist and foreign come to bunaken. Its also with the sunrise, many tourism which desire to stay only for see a sunrise and sunset from bunaken beach. Panorama from this beach it is very beautiful.

bunaken beach not only exotic by its beauty beach but also by its beauty underwater as known as bunaken water park. Bunaken water park have a marine biodiverity one of the higher in the world. Many spesies coral reefs and fish live around bunaken. In this area that there an underwater greatwalls which is a big wall reefs a source feed for fish in these waters.

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Raja Ampat Beach


Raja Ampat is one of the islands and exotic beaches in Indonesia. Papua Diving is the only exotic resort that offers underwater tours in the region, visited by tourists diving enthusiasts at home for days and even up to a month to wade through the contours of the seabed. They seemed to not want to go back to their own countries because they get an island paradise second to none on this earth and the beauty of the coral reefs are varied, so many choices and invite curiosity. Like the other islands, papua diving on the island who Mansuar looks beautiful because of its forests are still maintained and clean sea water so that marine life is not far from the surface can be seen clearly. Tourists simply swim or snorkel to see the beauty of the sea, whereas if you want to directly observe the beauty of marine life at depth, they should dive. One of the other islands of the cluster of islands that are Waigeo, an island with white sandy beaches and clean water. That's why so-called exotic because of the Raja Ampat consists of several islands where there is a natural beauty that makes us feel satisfied and get the exotic atmosphere.

Karimun Java


Karimunjawa is a beach chain stretching in a northwesterly direction 83 km from Jepara. Central Java. Karimunjawa is one of the Exotic Beaches in Indonesia because its pure sand, transparant water and home for fish, sea turtles and party. This archipelago is a cluster of 27 islands in the java sea. Only seven of the islands are inhabited. The reefs are a mixture of fringing, barrier, and patch with bottom depths ranging from 15 to 40 meters. The name of Karimunjawa is taken from Javanese language 'Kremun kremun saking tanah Jawi' addressed by one of Wali Songo (the Nine Saints who had introduced Islam in Java) to describe how far this mini archipelago from Java, to be exact from Semarang and Jepara. Stands from 27 islands, this mini archipelago became marine national park and it's like a treasure for those who love marine life. Here can be found protected coral reefs (very colorful plateaus and plains in deep and shallow waters), secluded and tranquil white beaches, pelican and hornbill, sea grass and kinds of sea creatures, from crabs, anchovy, starfish, sharks, stingray, jellyfish, red snappers, etc. At night, some peoples make a party to celebrate something when they're there. So, the beach almost never quiet every night.

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Senggigi Beach


Senggigi beach, which is located in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara is one of the most visited sights in Indonesia. There are many reasons that make this place is not only interests by local tourists but also foreign tourists in the world. First, You can find a variety of restaurants, bars, discotheques, travel agents, photo processors, money changers, and souvenir shop easily. Available also hotels at the price of varying, from costly until economic valuable hotel. Beside that, Senggigi beach is not only just a beautiful beach, Senggigi also have the amaze under sea. Senggigi under sea is very beautiful, and tourist can do snorkling as satisfied as because its wave do not big. So, do not have to think long to visit this place because it is very beautiful with an abundance of charm.

Wakatobi Beach


In Indonesia there are many exotic beaches, one of them is Wakatobi Beach. Wakatobi Beach is located in South East Sulawesi. Many tourist go to wakatobi beach because it has good view surface the beach. Wakatobi is already well known abroad as one of the places for diving with underwater scenery is incredible. In Wakatobi, you can see the beautiful coral reefs and the right choice for tourist diving enthusiasts.