Bunaken Beach

Bunaken beach as known as bunaken water park which location in island wide 8,08km2 on manado bay, north sulawesi. Bunaken beach be famous by its beauty white sand and also diving. So, that’s why bunaken is called an exotic beach in Indonesia. Not much beach have as beauty as bunaken’s white sand.

Bunaken beach is a beach with beauty white sand. Sunset view from bunaken beach is a reason the local tourist and foreign come to bunaken. Its also with the sunrise, many tourism which desire to stay only for see a sunrise and sunset from bunaken beach. Panorama from this beach it is very beautiful.

bunaken beach not only exotic by its beauty beach but also by its beauty underwater as known as bunaken water park. Bunaken water park have a marine biodiverity one of the higher in the world. Many spesies coral reefs and fish live around bunaken. In this area that there an underwater greatwalls which is a big wall reefs a source feed for fish in these waters.

(Image Source : http://ainzacha.blogdetik.com/taman-laut-bunaken/)


{ Mayapandit } at: May 24, 2013 at 11:09 PM said...

i have heard about this beach a lot. I think one day i will surely visit this wonderful and exotic beach.

{ ahmad } at: June 17, 2019 at 7:48 PM said...

Ini adalah sebuah hari yang indah , artikel yang sangat bermanfaat sekali dimana kamu bisa menemukan bagaimana cara hidup lebih baik.
Sebagaimana orang yang sudah dulu tentunya.

Batik Couple Sarimbit

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